Category Archives: Meditation

The Pillar of Light Meditation 

Meditation practices come in various forms, each with its unique approach to fostering tranquility and spiritual growth. Among these practices, the Pillar of Light Meditation stands out as a powerful technique designed to enhance one’s inner peace and connection to the mother earth and the universe. 

The Pillar of Light meditation is a practice designed to align and balance your energy. It involves visualizing a beam of light extending from the universe above, through your body, and into the earth below. This visualization helps to connect you with the divine and ground you in the present moment. It also helps to cleanse the aura, activate the chakras, and strengthen one’s spiritual connection.  

Participants often describe the experience as transformative, feeling a sense of expansion and alignment with higher frequencies of energy. It’s a meditation that not only centers the individual but also connects them with the infinite source of universal energy. Whether done in a quiet room or integrated into daily activities, the Pillar of Light Meditation can be a quick yet profound way to reconnect with one’s core essence and the surrounding world. 

When meditating, it is recommended to choose a quiet place and do it in a relaxed position. It is also important to pay attention to the visions and messages that come to mind during meditation and to embrace the insights and revelations they bring. 

  • Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, ensuring your back is straight and your feet are grounded.  
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, filling your lungs completely, then exhale slowly, releasing any tension. 
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, visualizing a beam of light descending from above, entering through the crown of your head.  
  • As you exhale, imagine this light spreading throughout your body, grounding you to the earth.  
  • With each breath, the light grows brighter, purifying and energizing every cell.  
  • This light is pure, protective, and energizing. Feel it moving down your spine, radiating out to fill every part of your body with warmth and healing energy. 
  • Continue this visualization for several minutes, allowing the light to create a sense of peace, protection, and alignment within you.  
  • When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and return to your surroundings, carrying the light with you throughout your day.  

The Pillar of Light meditation is more than just a practice; it’s a journey towards self-discovery and cosmic harmony. It invites individuals to tap into the wellspring of light within and around them, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. As we navigate through the complexities of modern living, such practices offer a sanctuary of peace and a reminder of the luminous nature of our existence. 

Mindful Walking (Walking Meditation) and Slow Jogging 

Have you ever tried mindful walking or slow jogging? It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors, relax your mind, and improve your health. It can also make you more mindful in other aspects of your life.  

Here are some benefits of doing it regularly. 

– It reduces stress and anxiety. By focusing on the present moment, you can let go of your worries and negative thoughts. You can also release tension from your body and calm your nervous system. 

– It improves your mood and self-esteem. By moving your body and breathing deeply, you can boost your endorphins and serotonin, which are hormones that make you feel happy and confident. You can also appreciate yourself and your abilities more. 

– It strengthens your immune system and prevents diseases. By increasing your blood circulation and oxygen intake, you can improve your heart health and lower your blood pressure. You can also fight off infections and inflammation more easily. 

– It enhances your creativity and productivity. By stimulating your brain and senses, you can spark new ideas and insights. You can also improve your memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. 

– It connects you with nature and others. By being aware of your surroundings, you can enjoy the beauty and diversity of life. You can also meet new people or bond with your friends or family who join you. 

Here are some tips on how to do it. 

– Mindful walking and slow jogging is not about speed or distance. It’s about being present in the moment, paying attention to your body, your breath, and your surroundings. You can do it anywhere, anytime, and for as long as you want. 

– To start, find a comfortable pace that allows you to breathe easily and feel relaxed. You don’t need to push yourself or compete with anyone. Just focus on how you feel and what you see, hear, smell, and touch. 

– As you walk or jog, notice the sensations in your feet, legs, arms, and torso. Feel the contact of your feet with the ground, the movement of your muscles and joints, and the rhythm of your breath. If you feel any pain or discomfort, adjust your posture or speed accordingly. 

– Also, pay attention to the environment around you. Observe the colors, shapes, and textures of the things you pass by. Listen to the sounds of nature or the city. Smell the fresh air or the scents of flowers or food. Touch the leaves or the grass or the breeze. 

– If your mind wanders to other thoughts or worries, gently bring it back to the present moment. Don’t judge yourself or get frustrated. Just acknowledge what distracted you and return to your awareness of your body and your surroundings. 

– It’s easier to walk a little faster, and to run a little slower. The running speed should be enough not to catch your breath and to be able to have a light conversation. 

– If possible, we recommend to do in a park or in nature. 

Mindful walking or slow jogging can be a rewarding and fun experience that can benefit you in many ways. It is fairly easy even if you don’t like exercise or jogging. So why not give it a try today? You might be surprised by how much you enjoy it. 

Energy Healing 101 Channel

Mindful Walking (Walking Meditation) and Slow Jogging : Tips On How To Do and It’s Benefits

Tan Den (Dan Tien) Breathing Exercise

丹田 Tan Den in Japanese, also called Hara, or Dan Tien in Chinese is the lower abdominal area means “field of elixir”. It is a concept in Taoism and Buddhism that refers to the center of life force energy (Qi) in the body where life force energy, or Qi, is stored and focused. There are three main Dan Tien: lower, middle and upper. They are used for meditation, qigong, martial arts and other practices that aim to increase or balance the energy flow. The lower Dan Tien is the most important one because it is the source of Jing, the essence that creates Qi and Shen (spirit).   

The lower Dan Tien is the energy center located below the navel (where the sacral chakra is). It is considered the foundation of health and vitality. Cultivating the lower Dan Tien can help you balance your emotions, enhance your digestion, strengthen your immune system, and increase your sexual energy. It can also help you connect with the earth element and ground yourself in the present moment. To cultivate the lower Dan Tien, you can practice breathing exercises, meditation, abdominal massage, and martial arts. 

Tan Den (Lower Dan Tien) breathing exercise is one of the easiest way of breathing that can improve your health and energy. Here are the steps to do Tan Den breathing exercise: 

  1. Sit up straight and relax your shoulder
  2. You can place your hands or fingers on your lower abdominal area if you like.
  3. Inhale gently through your nose and feel your breath go down to your Tan Den. Your belly should expand as you breathe in.
  4. Exhale slowly through your nose or mouth and feel your breath go up and out of your body. Your belly should contract as you breathe out.
  5. As you exhale, keep some of the breath energy in your Tan Den. Feel it warm and vibrate in your lower abdomen. Imagine it nourishing your cells and organs. 
  6. Repeat this cycle of breathing for several minutes, or as long as you feel comfortable.

Tan Den breathing exercise can help you relax, heal, and increase your vitality. You can do it anytime, anywhere, as long as you pay attention to your breath and Tan Den.

Energy Healing 101 Channel

Tan Den Breathing Exercise

How To Do Light Ball Meditation 

Light Ball Meditation is a simple and effective technique to calm your mind and relax your body. It can also help you to increase your concentration, creativity, and intuition. You can use the Light Ball Meditation regularly to cleanse, strengthen, and protect your aura. Here is a detailed step by step guide of how to do Light Ball Meditation.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place where you can sit or lie down without any distractions.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Relax your muscles and release any tension or stress from your body. 
  • Breathe in the light and let it fill your body. Breathe out any negative thoughts or emotions that you want to release. Breath in peace and love. Breath out old energies you don’t need any longer. 
  • Imagine that there is a ball of light in your chest, near your heart. This ball of light represents your inner energy, your life force, your essence. 
  • Focus on this ball of light and feel its warmth, brightness and power. You can give it any color or shape that you like, as long as it makes you feel good. 
  • Now, slowly expand this ball of light until it fills your whole body. Feel the light flowing through your veins, organs, muscles and bones. Feel the light healing, nourishing and energizing every cell of your body.  
  • Next, expand this ball of light even further until it surrounds you like a bubble. Feel the light protecting you from any negative influences or energies. Feel the light connecting you with the universe and all living beings. You are protected, healed, and loved, in this bubble of light. 
  • Stay in this state of light for as long as you want. You can use this time to meditate, pray, visualize or affirm your goals and intentions. Or just simply experience love and peace of this beautiful divine light.  
  • When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your physical body. Shrink the ball of light back to your chest and thank it for its guidance and support. 
  • Open your eyes and take a moment to appreciate how you feel. You may notice that you feel more calm, peaceful, joyful and confident. 

You can practice Light Ball Meditation anytime you need to relax, recharge or reconnect with yourself and the source of all life. 

Energy Healing 101 Channel

【Guided Meditation】 Light Ball Meditation