Category Archives: Reiki

Reiki and the Spirit of Emperor Meiji

One of Reiki’s teaching is the “Reiki Five Principles.” This was created by the founder, Mikao Usui who realized that people do not really heal unless they change their minds.” Usui incorporated the “Reiki Five Principles” into the teachings and practice of Reiki.

The Reiki Five Principles

The Reiki Five Principle

The Reiki Five Principles was created based on the teachings and spirit of Emperor Meiji, and the Reiki practitioners at that time were chanting the five principles and Emperor Meiji’s Gosei (emperor’s poem) in the morning and evening everyday.

This time, I would like to touch upon not the five principles, but Emperor Meiji instead.

Emperor Meiji : September 22, 1852 ~ July 29, 1912

Emperor Meiji

His father, Emperor Komei, died suddenly at the end of 1866, and in 1867 he became the 122nd emperor at the young age of 14. In the following year of coronation, the 15th Shogun (Japan’s supreme military leader / Commander-in-Chief) of the Edo Shogunate (military government ruled by Shogun in Edo period), Yoshinobu Tokunaga, enacted Restoration of Imperial Rule.

Emperor Meiji was enthroned at a very young age and lived in the turbulent era of the Meiji Restoration.

Emperor Meiji devoted himself to reforming Japan’s politics, economy, society, education, and military. In 1890, he promulgated the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the Imperial Rescript on Education (basic policy on morals and education).

Emperor Meiji was regarded as one of the most benevolent and compassionate emperors of all time. He practiced strict self-discipline and preferred a simple life, and reverenced by the people. Emperor Meiji is known for his love of Gosei (emperor’s poem) and have left over 93,000 poems in his lifetime.

Emperor Meiji experienced the turmoil of the end of Edo period and the Sino-Japanse War (Japan-China War) and the Russo-Japanese War (Japan-Russia War), but he was always against the war. We can see the feelings for the people and against the wars reflected in his poems.

あしはらの 国とまさむと 思ふにも 
   青人草ぞ たからなりける
(Even if I want Japan’s prosperity, the most precious treasure is my people) 

照につけ くもるにつけて おもふかな 
   わが民草の うえはいかにと
(Whenever it’s sunny or cloudy, I worry if everybody is getting enough food or not) 

よもの海 みなはらからと 思ふ世に 
   など波風の たちさわぐらむ 

(The waves and winds in different seas are all the same everywhere. Then why are there so many storms? : Why do people fight each other even though we are all brothers and sisters)

国のため あだなす仇は くだくとも 
   いつくしむべき 事なわすれそ 

(if the enemy attacks our country we may revenge; however we should not forget compassion) 

Initially in Reiki practice, the poems of Emperor Meiji were recited in the morning and evening along with the Reiki Five Principles. By using them as nourishments of life and to correct one’s mind, the Reiki practitioners were devoted to healing self and others. Here are some other poems written by Emperor Meiji.

つもりては 払ふがかたく なりぬべし
   ちりばかりなる こととおもへど

(Don’t leave the dust lying around for too long. It becomes hard to get rid of)

思ふこと おもふがままに なれりとも
  身をつつしまん ことを忘るな

(Even the things go in the way you way, don’t forget to be modest)

目の見えぬ 神に向ひて 耻(はじ)ざるは
   人のこころの まことなりけり

(if you are not ashamed yourself in front of God, you have a true sincere mind)

ともすれば 思わぬ方にうつるかな

(People’s minds are easy to change and get lost. It is the state of mind that need to be considered carefully and should not be neglected)

心ある ひとのいさめの言の葉は

(Thoughtful advice and criticisms from retinues are the best medicine for you : It is wise to listen to people’s advice )

われもまた 更に磨かむ曇りなき

(I will polish my mirror like other’s mirror which has no frost : You will learn yourself by looking into someone else)

いささかの 傷なき玉もともすれば

(Even the crystal ball without a scratch can lose shine in the dust : Nobody is perfect)

Looking back on the poems of Emperor Meiji in this way, it is clear how much the Reiki practitioners at that time thought to improve their minds and attitudes to heal people. As a Reiki practitioner of today, I am inspired by their thoughts. If we read again now “The Reiki Five Principle” while thinking about what kind of spirit they were written from, we will notice that there are deep teachings in simples sentences.

Animal Reiki

Do you know Reiki can be beneficial for your beloved pets?

Reiki, non-harmful and non-invasive energy, can be a great alternative therapy for animals. (read more about REIKI >>> What is REIKI?

Animals are very sensitive to energy and usually naturally receptive to Reiki energy. They tend to gravitate towards it and enjoy the gentle healing energy that Reiki provides.

My Animal Reiki teacher, Olivia LaBarre said “Animals are already natural Reiki masters.” They have strong sense and connections with Reiki (The Universal Life Force Energy) and full of the energy of pure Love, and can heal themselves quickly in many cases. However, even though they can do a lot by themselves, they appreciate the energy and support of Reiki.

It is also true that pets are experiencing more stress these days and have some health issues. Reiki can benefit those pets, as well as their owners if they need it.

Animal Reiki can be done directly with care, but also can be done remotely. Since they are super sensitive to the energy, sometimes approaching them remotely could be non-invasive and even better way. Also because of their sensitivity, the session typically last 15-20 min, or 30 min. at most, and the treatment can be repeated if needed.

The Benefits of Animal Reiki

  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Enhances sense of well-being
  • Relieves pain
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Supports healing process after surgery or illness
  • Helps with behavioral issues
  • Promotes overall health and wellness
  • Assists transition process for dying
  • Increases the bond and trust between pet and owner

Takemi is a certified Animal Reiki practitioner. To book your appointment, please contact Takemi or visit Energy Healing with Takemi


Reiki was found by Mikao Usui in 1922 in Japan. Today, Reiki is widely practiced all over the world. However, when we say Reiki in general, we are referring to Reiki with western influence. When Reiki started to spread in the West, many Reiki masters added western healing techniques and concepts, modified the practice along the lines. JIKIDEN REIKI(直傳靈氣)is the original Japanese form of Reiki. JIKIDEN means “directly handed down” from the founder Mikao Usui. JIKIDEN REIKI is a practice passed on an original form of Reiki which taught by Mikao Usui and his direct student Dr. Chujiro Hayashi.

Hawayo Takata, Japanese-American in Hawaii, was the one who brought Reiki to the West in 1937. When Mrs. Takata visited Japan, she was very ill and met Dr. Hayashi in his Reiki clinic in Tokyo. Mrs. Takata recovered from her sever illness with Reiki, amazed and decided to practice Reiki and bring it to the West. She was trained by Dr. Hayashi and became a Reiki master in 1938. She opened the clinic in Hawaii, and practiced and taught Reiki, trained 22 Reiki masters. This initiated Reiki to spread worldwide, and also since late 1980s, Western Reiki have been imported back into Japan.

For a long time, people believed original Reiki was died in Japan. However, in 1990s, western Reiki practitioners who went to Japan to search the origin of Reiki, found Chiyoko Yamaguchi who learned Reiki from Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. By requests of Western Reiki practitioners to preserve the original form, Chiyoko and her son Tadao, decided to teach and named it JIKIDEN REIKI in order to differentiate from the western influenced practices.

Western Reiki approach includes auras and chakras to balance the energy field of a recipient. JIKIDEN REIKI is a simple hands on healing primarily focus on physical body. It is a very simple, but very powerful tool that can address physical conditions, and help to increase the natural ability to heal. Practitioner can detect Byosen(病腺)physical problems by sensation of the hands, and release them with Reiki. It can also address mental healing and increase inner peace and harmony.

All Reiki forms are originated from Japanese original Reiki by Mikao Usui. Western Reiki is modified by masters, but still based on Usui’s teachings, and it has its own beauty too. We acknowledge and respect amazing Usui’s teachings and philosophy, but also respect all the masters who developed their own ways, spread the Reiki all over the world, and helped many people.

Takemi is certified as JIKIDEN REIKI practitioner byTadao Yamaguchi, and a member of International Jikiden Reiki Association

Distance Healing

Distance (remote) healing is a form of healing energy sent from a practitioner and received by a recipient across time and space. By intending to connect and send energy to the recipient, the practitioner does not need to be physically present.

Everything is made up of energy. The energy field does not have definite boundary line. It affects, merges, connects each other. If we really think about that, it literally means everything is connected to everything.

We know now this is a reality in quantum theory. There are no particles, and energy is the basis of the material reality. Nothing is solid. It’s all energy and vibrations. It also reveals that distance between objects is illusion. Even though we think we experience distance and things are separated from us, quantum physics suggests that they are actually not separated. Separation is merely the perception of our limited belief.

In the observer effect theory in quantum physics, we can see the mere observation of a phenomenon changes that phenomenon. The famous quantum mechanics experiment is called the “double-slit experiment.” This experiment revealed how the observer’s mind, consciousness, affected matters or phenomenon. This can explain how the practitioner’s consciousness can affect the state of the receiver in the case of distance healing.

Also some theories argue that time is not fixed and linear. The Block Universe Theory explains the entire universe is containing all past, present, and future events at any time and at any place. In other words, everything happening simultaneously. Everything is happening now. There is no past and future as we think of. Only the present moment. This might explain how Reiki can affects beyond time.

If you are not familiar with quantum theory, here are some fun YouTube clips of Dr. Quantum!

Dr Quantum and Entanglement

Proof of Mind Over Matter – The Double Slit Experiment – Physics, Dr. Quantum

Quantum theory also suggests the possibility of the parallel world and multiverse. Recently NASA announced that they might find the evidence to support parallel universe (April article in New Scientist). This is not about distance healing, but it may explain how healing happens. If you change your frequency by energy healing, then you simply go to the another parallel world that healing is already occurred. Of course, none of us knows yet if the parallel world exist, but it is very fun to think in that way!

The science is catching up more and more about our energy fields, minds, and consciousness. There are many scientific research on Reiki and other healing modalities, too. I will share more in the future 😉

What are the benefits of REIKI?

Reiki is very gentle and nurturing alternative therapy to heal and restore the balance of our Body-Mind energy field. It is usually deeply relaxing and empowering, and it can help to promote wellbeing in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. By connecting Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy), Body-Mind starts to restore the natural ability to heal itself.

Read more about Reiki >>> What is Reiki?

Since Reiki can work on many different levels, there are many benefits that Reiki can offer. It can help to reduce pain and alleviate physical conditions. It also helps to reduce stress, fear, anxiety, balancing aura (energy fields around the body) and chakras (energy centers of the body). It helps to increase awareness, insight, wisdom, and personal growth.

It is also worth mentioning that Reiki is known to be non-invasive and doesn’t have any harmful side effects. Reiki is used as alternative therapy in hospitals and clinics around the world.

  • Reiki can reduce pain, stress, and anxiety
  • Reiki can relieves fatigue and energize the body
  • Reiki can help with depression, and boost your mood.
  • Reiki can help to restore the natural ability to heal and accelerate healing
  • Reiki can be deeply relaxing and meditative
  • Reiki can give sense of calmness, peace, and harmony
  • Reiki can be used for grounding
  • Reiki can increase intuition and insights
  • Reiki can increase focus and clarity
  • Reiki can help to achieve your goal
  • Reiki can increase awareness and personal growth
  • and more!

How does REIKI work?

The practitioner is the conduit between the recipient and Reiki : Universal Life Force Energy, and guides the energy to the recipient’s body and energy field. Reiki flows where the energy is stagnant, blocked, and unbalanced, and by raising the energy vibrations, it will help to restore the balance and increase natural ability to heal.

We are all born with Universal Life Force Energy, Intelligence, our ability to heal ourselves (please read What is REIKI? for more). But over the course of our lives, we accumulate negative energy patterns physically, emotionally, mentally, and sometimes spiritually, too. Those patterns causes disruption in our well-beings.

Our Mind-Body knows where the healings are needed. But it becomes hard when the energy field or flow is disrupted too much or too long.

By trusting the recipient’s Mind-Body’s intelligence and Reiki energy, the practitioner sense subtle energy fields, and use intuition and guidance to see where the energy is needed, allow the energy flow to restore the balance.

A typical session takes 45 min. to 1 hour. The recipient always fully clothed, preferably lie down on massage table. The practitioner may or may not touch the recipient, but use the hands to generate the energy flow.

What is REIKI?

Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy. REI / 靈 means ‘universal life” or ‘spirit’ and KI / 氣 means ‘energy’. It is also called ‘Chi’ ‘Ki’ ‘Prana’ or sometimes consciousness in other practices. It is the intelligence which makes all living things. it is Universal Love, and Life itself.

When a conception happens, a cell starts to divide. Each cell keeps multiplying, but at some point, cells find purpose to become bones, muscles, organs, etc. This intelligence makes cells into our amazing bodies.

When you get a cut, it gets healed without you really thinking or knowing how. Your body starts healing by itself. Other examples are your hair and finger nails keep growing, your body eliminate what is not need, you get fever to fight the virus in your body, etc. Your body orchestrates to maintain your balance constantly, and we are all born with this amazing intelligence and healing power within us.

Of course, the same is true for all living things on our planet. Reiki refers to this energy all around us and within us.

As a healing modality, Reiki practice is to connect you to this intelligence to heal and restore the balance of our body-mind energy fields. Reiki practitioner is a channel between a recipient and Universal Life Force Energy, allowing the energy to flow where the healing is needed.

Reiki is deeply relaxing, gentle, and empowering way to promote wellbeing in all level. It can work on not only physical, but also emotional, mental, and spiritual level, and helps restore the one’s natural ability to heal holistically.

Reiki originated in Japan, found by Mikao Usui in 1922. During his spiritual training in Mt. Kurama, he experienced a spiritual awakening which gave him a powerful healing ability. He developed the healing technique called ‘Shin shin kai zen Usui Reiki ryoho /心身改善臼井靈氣療法 (Usui Reiki healing practice for mind and body) which gained popularity in Japan. Usui also taught this technique and Reiki has been passed down from Masters to Masters. Now Reiki is widespread throughout the world.