Category Archives: Distance Healing

Distance Healing

Distance (remote) healing is a form of healing energy sent from a practitioner and received by a recipient across time and space. By intending to connect and send energy to the recipient, the practitioner does not need to be physically present.

Everything is made up of energy. The energy field does not have definite boundary line. It affects, merges, connects each other. If we really think about that, it literally means everything is connected to everything.

We know now this is a reality in quantum theory. There are no particles, and energy is the basis of the material reality. Nothing is solid. It’s all energy and vibrations. It also reveals that distance between objects is illusion. Even though we think we experience distance and things are separated from us, quantum physics suggests that they are actually not separated. Separation is merely the perception of our limited belief.

In the observer effect theory in quantum physics, we can see the mere observation of a phenomenon changes that phenomenon. The famous quantum mechanics experiment is called the “double-slit experiment.” This experiment revealed how the observer’s mind, consciousness, affected matters or phenomenon. This can explain how the practitioner’s consciousness can affect the state of the receiver in the case of distance healing.

Also some theories argue that time is not fixed and linear. The Block Universe Theory explains the entire universe is containing all past, present, and future events at any time and at any place. In other words, everything happening simultaneously. Everything is happening now. There is no past and future as we think of. Only the present moment. This might explain how Reiki can affects beyond time.

If you are not familiar with quantum theory, here are some fun YouTube clips of Dr. Quantum!

Dr Quantum and Entanglement

Proof of Mind Over Matter – The Double Slit Experiment – Physics, Dr. Quantum

Quantum theory also suggests the possibility of the parallel world and multiverse. Recently NASA announced that they might find the evidence to support parallel universe (April article in New Scientist). This is not about distance healing, but it may explain how healing happens. If you change your frequency by energy healing, then you simply go to the another parallel world that healing is already occurred. Of course, none of us knows yet if the parallel world exist, but it is very fun to think in that way!

The science is catching up more and more about our energy fields, minds, and consciousness. There are many scientific research on Reiki and other healing modalities, too. I will share more in the future 😉